The Sovereign’s Way is a private membership club created by Greg Paul and Jon Little, that shares
knowledge of law and the Way to be free in the world.
It's been 15 years since i realized how sorely mankind needs a different kind of solution to the world’s ills... something that cuts through all the bullshit and gets TO THE CRUX of the matter. And if you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know i’ve been doing whatever i could that seemed like it held promise…
A couple of months ago though, i finally discovered the key to get free of this global mess… A friend connected me with a man called Greg Paul, who was running a course called the Law For Mankind, and he strongly suggested i take it…
So i dove in.
To cut a long story very short, i already felt like i’d grown a lot these last years, but this has literally clarified my place in my own reality in a practical way that nothing else ever did, and it’s provided the tools for me to shift that reality far more powerfully than ever before… it was really the missing piece… it’s not another shortcut, it’s the real deal, true law, distilled down, in a way you can engage cleanly to resolve any and every controversy;
So i got back in touch with Greg to find out how i can best share it with you guys… long story short, he and his friend Jon who created the course together recently ran an open-to-all live Q&A clinic, where the most burning questions on law and sovereignty voted on by more than 15k people were answered;
This free event is a massive education and paradigm shift in itself. If you do one thing this week to move your life forward, i strongly suggest you make it this one…
Click on the picture below to access the course.
If you have any questions about the "Law for Mankind", I'd love to hear from you.