Mental Training

Train your Brain

What is mental training?

Mental training is about improving one’s attitude and mental skills by identifying limiting beliefs and embracing a healthier philosophy. Mental skills, just like physical skills, take repetition, practice, and game-time application to develop. Mental barriers include high expectations, perfectionism, fear of failure, lack of emotional control and attentional focus.

Train your Brain

Your brain is the most powerful muscle of your body and like every other muscle in your body, you can train it.

There are only 3 possible ways to reprogram your brain. We will give you the most commonly used technique: repetition. This is the technique that children use to learn. They copy and repeat what they have seen. They keep repeating until they can. For example, see how they learn to walk. By trial and error. They fall hundreds of times and yet they keep trying until they can.

It took some time to create that specific wire in their brain but they were able to learn something new by repetition. You did the same at school. We’re sure, sometimes you had difficulties to remember the lessons you had to learn and the solution was: repetition. Why do you believe you’re not good enough or you do not deserve something? Simply because the people around you, or maybe your teachers, they repeated this so many times that you started believing it. A new wire was created or in this case a new conviction was born. So again, repetition.

Empowering individuals with personal guidance

"Be positive" does NOT work!

All the advices you received until now such as “Be positive”, “don’t stress”, “you’ll be fine” and “it will make you stronger” they simply don’t work. Why?

Your brain is like an enormous computer and this computer is full of wires. Every wire represents a trait of your personality like being stressed or unhappy, being focused on negativity or a feeling of desperation, even being depressed. All these emotions or feelings form a particular program in your head.

Now the question that everyone is asking us: can you change the wiring of your brain? The answer is yes. The number of new connections you can create in your brain are endless and your age does not matter! Even though everyone thinks our brain's capabilities diminish with age, it's not true, it's a lie. All your negative personality traits can be transformed into something positive. Of course, there is a “but”: you will have to work on it.

"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them, a desire, a dream, a vision."

Muhammad Ali

Mental training, something for you?

If you have negative beliefs and habits then it is crucial to reprogramme your brain. Superficial therapies and feel-good books will never be the solution. Rewriting this programme in your head (that little voice talking to you) requires a very thorough approach. In my view, a good programme or positive mindset, is a survival tool. You cannot change the world around you but you can change the way you look at the world!

For this reason, I am developing a course where this is done in a very profound way. After 5 years of intense research, the course is almost complete. By subscribing to my private mailing list you will be kept informed about the progress of this course.

Would you like an appointment or more information? Fill in the form and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Booking a Mental training session
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Mental training sessions in the following languages: English, Flemish, Dutch, French

Click here for the general cooperation agreements.
